MAO Biqiong 毛碧琼
Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
Chengdu Fashion Cocoon Technology Co., Ltd. is a professionally engaged in mobile Internet, focused on software development and application. It has profound expertise in Internet software development, technical consultancy and e-commerce business. Company development strategy: 1. One of its independently-developed APPs, targeted for cosmetics for female friends, came on debut in 2014. It aims to be connected with online shops within a year, and complete data of off-line retail outlets within two years, which will ultimately allow the software to become a big-data product that realizes online and offline purchase. 2. Being the first platform that connects cosmetics consultancy, games, e-commerce and O2O, it aims to connect its portal to O2O, realizing 2,000 online and offline partnering businesses, and 5 million registered members, and sales revenue by partnering business reaching RMB 80 million. And it aims to achieve a greater goal by late 2016.
Chengdu Jinlang Trading Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009. The company is focused on integrated e-commerce of skincare and cosmetics. It has cosmetics brands of over 27-year history.
The company has always upheld its motto of unique service that allows constant surprising enjoyment for the clients, and has earned client trust and acknowledgement.
成都潮蛹科技有限公司是一家专业的移动互联网企业,专注于软件开发及应用,特别在移动互联类软件开发、技术咨询及电子商务经营方面有较多经验丰富的人才储备。公司发展规划: 1、2014年由公司自主研发的移动互联网手机APP“好妆榜”上线测试。该软件是一款适合手机体验、满足女性用户彩妆咨讯及购买双重需求,并至力于上线一年内对接线上网店实现购买在两年内完善线下专柜网点数据,实现线上线下均可购买的手机大数据软件。 2、作为全国首款将美妆咨询、游戏、电商和O2O多方打通的平台,2015年对接入O2O,线上线下合作商家2000家以上,注册会员突破500万,连接商家销售突破8000万;2016年完成女性游戏与好妆榜的连接,打通娱乐与美妆产业,实现游戏货币与美妆商家之间的优势资源置换,注册会员达3000万,销售额突破2亿,成为全国领先的美妆资讯推荐平台。
Health biotechnologies
Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event
Cooperation on Several Italian Cosmetics Brands
We have several Italian cosmetcis brands that expect cooperation. And the ways of cooperation include joint R&D, right to online sales and distribution, etc.
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Investment/Financing
- Other