Edward Voskeritchian
Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
- Tuesday (14:00 pm - 17:00 pm)

Search and identification of opportunities and local partners on precise interest on the Part of undertakings, dossiers and business plan, assistance in identification of any public funds available both in Europe and at world organizations (World Bank or IMF), import export and consulting.
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Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event

Cooperation for searching partners and searching buyer/distributors 寻找合作伙伴,寻找买家、经销商
LUCA Trading is a small and flexible Advisoring structure specializes in creating value added opportunities and contacts at the level of strategic, financial and commercial expansion. Each of our partners has to his credit several transactions involving the design of complex business strategies, research and selection of financial partners, research and selection of buyers and/or sales operations in mergers and acquisitions, specific plans for lobbying and entry into new and difficult markets around the world.
We operate directly in Italy and Asia, which is still, despite the crisis that has affected all of us, an important starting point to open key markets such as China and India, as well as domestic ones.
We have working alliances based on mutual trust of the people involved with organizations similar to us based in China, the Baltic States, India, Switzerland and Chile that allow us – always under our sole responsibility - to attend effectively in two major financial centers worldwide in one of the most important markets in Europe, in one of the largest and most promising future markets.
Our mandate and our costs are clear and transparent from the beginning, as will our professionalism. Few contemporary mandates for partners, no duplication in any market that might overlap with the confidence that we are given to the signing of an agreement with us.
Our working structure always includes an initial phase, prior to signing the contract, which allows us to evaluate our real chance to help those who turn to us often in moments of difficulty in the management of its business.
Our costs have the presumption to be reasonable and proportionate to the commitment that is required of us. They are always divided into two parts with a variable intended to support our work within the context of the task entrusted to us as we are all paid for our daily work, and a fixed part which is expressed as a percentage of the results obtained.
Obviously every situation is different and we believe we can always find a deal that will satisfy both sides.
Some examples of interventions conducted by LUCA Trading ranging from the study of socio-political and economic management and foreign markets in search of business partners or institutional referents, ranging from the management of specific opportunities such as licensing of government or the introduction of a product creation a network of local representative, to the definition of communication plans and public relations.
We find no names or details that might be all in favor of our professionalism because ours is a job we do in silence and that will be explained to third parties unless explicit and detailed permission from their customers. Even your situation will always be kept strictly confidential: it is a formal promise.
Each of us has a specific heritage and experience usually based on one or at most a couple of areas which can be considered sufficiently knowledgeable. We will not say never do know or know everything and that is why we restrict our operations in four major sectors of the economy:
- High tech, television broadcasting and new media
- Food and Beverages
- Luxury & Fashion
In these areas we know how to move, we have the right contacts, we know the trends of international markets and we can act effectively from the outset.
Obviously we can take care of other special situations, we reserve the right to accept any professional assignments only after careful consideration on our part.
All work always start from the study of the current situation in which you can find our partners and are intended principally to facilitate the professional choices and decisions that corporate executives are on the table, side by side with our experience and our network of contacts .
Tools for analysis and control of a particular production situation, commercial, financial or institutional allow to suggest practical solutions to the customer and executable from those very variables that affect their work but who can escape the normal business planning of the risks and opportunities.
Essentially we intervene on the side of business and society in case of preparation of strategic development plans, financial or industrial partners in the entrance of the share capital, sale or acquisition of companies, the financial plans for the development, creation lines of influence and networks of facilitators (always in full compliance with current ethical and legislative rules) and planning to enter new markets.
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution