Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
- Tuesday (14:00 pm - 17:00 pm)
Descriptionalternative dispute resolution provider in the business sector
Organization Type
CityMILANO, via meravigli 7 Google map
Areas of Activities
Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event
ICBMC - A bridge between China and Italy 我们是中国和意大利之间的桥梁
when entering into A business contract, last thing businessmen think about is how to cope with disagreements and the COSTS of them in terms of time/money and wasted business occasions. The Italy China Business mediation centre is a dispute resolution provider jointly managed by Milan Chamber of Arbitration and the Mediation Centre of CCPIT in Beijing and helps business partners to overcome possible issues arising during their relationship through mediation. though mediation is - with the agreement of the parties involved - always usable, it would be advisable to add a mediation clause in the contract. I will be there to give information to those who would know more.
Cooperation Offered
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Other