Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
DescriptionInterlem works in the field of Information Technology and Management consultancy both in the Large Enterprise and the SMB market segment with over 100 employees all over Italy.
Organization Type
CitySesto San Giovanni (MI) , via milanese, 20 sesto san giovanni Google map
Areas of Activities
Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event
Beyond Airport Customers’ Information & Behavio
The "Aeropolis"
Every year almost 1.7 billion passengers go through European airports.
Over 1.6 million employees serve more than 20.8 million yearly flights.
Ever more like cities or commercial hub, airports are transforming into a location chosen for shopping and services which are not necessarily connected only to the needs of passengers.
Increased competition in core activities
Changed expectation of passengers
Retailers Evolving Strategies
Airports try to expand their focus from Aviation and Handling activities on Non-Aviation business
Cooperation Offered
- Sales / Distribution