Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
DescriptionIbéricos Vallehermoso is a young company growing its own ibérico pigs, feeding them, and commerciazing its fine parts and product.
Organization Type
City37188 Carbajosa de La Sagrada, P.I. Montalvo III C/Vertical II Nº 6 Google map
Areas of Activities
Agro-food manufacturing
We offer frozen iberico pork meats and cured iberico hams 我们提供冻猪肉和腌制火腿。
We offer our products to be sold and distributed in China and Italy. Our product range is wide from frozen iberico pork cuts to cured iberico ham, shoulders and other charcuterie.
Cooperation Offered
- Sales / Distribution
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution