Francesca Donata Delfino
Giat srl
Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)

Quality and environmental protection are our key words. For this reason since the year 2000 we have renovated and use only platinum to cure silicone in both our production plants.
We are looking for business partners to:
- source raw materials or components to be imported to Italy. The final uses should be: silicone rubber industry, energy and transportation sector
- distributors for our design productsWebsite:
铂硅橡胶专业生产。 已有50年的历史经验主要在于家用电器、 铁路、 能源方面工作。 正在找合作伙伴、 采购原材料或其他电器产品卖到欧洲。 如果中国顶级公司感兴趣,我们希望开始合作。另外, 正在找经销商能在中国销售我们设计产品。
Organization Type
CityCinisello Balsamo, via Matteotti, 62 Google map
Areas of Activities
Space application to agriculture and environmental management
Look for business partners/ importers and distributors - silicone
Quality and environmental protection are our key words. For this reason since the year 2000 we have renovated and use only platinum to cure silicone in both our production plants.
We are looking for business partners to:
- source raw materials or components to be imported to Italy. The final uses should be: silicone rubber industry, energy and transportation sector
- distributors for our design products
铂硅橡胶专业生产。 已有50年的历史经验主要在于家用电器、 铁路、 能源方面工作。 正在找合作伙伴、 采购原材料或其他电器产品卖到欧洲。 如果中国顶级公司感兴趣,我们希望开始合作。另外, 正在找经销商能在中国销售我们设计产品。
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution