Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
SAVIS Company was born in 1891 in Tuscany, founded by a famous traveller, studious alchemist, who invented and patented Alchermes, an aromatic red liqueur, produced with some shells from tropical seas, perfect to colour and savour cocktails and cakes.
He also studied an infusion of herbes and flowers, perfect as a digestif, called Elixir, generally sold in pharmacies for its terapeutic qualities. Starting from its experience in ancient Italian tradition of aromatization of typical wines - Piedmont vermouth, Sicilian Marsala etc. - he studied and patented a special Tuscan dessert wine: Morellino® di Firenze. Its success was great. Morellino® (it's a patented brand, its formula is secret) became soon synonymous of red dessert wine. It is drunk with all cakes, fruits and so.
During the war of 1915-1918 the plant is destroyed and Savis moved to Florence near Ponte Rosso
Success is so extraordinary that the Morellino becomes a synonym of red dessert wine to be used in parties, with the sweet almonds, fried etc.
In recognition adds to the name "Florence" and the lily on the sign.
He also studied and invented an Elixir infuse: called Amaro di Firenze® and other Liqueurs and Distillates (grappa / marcs): Nocino, , Grappa di Chianti amd others
In 1982, SAVIS joined a major trading company (COVIP-Commercial Very Important Products) which sells Pepsi Cola, Water Fiuggi, Group Bols etc.
With the shortage of herbes and flowers on domestic and international market, activity changed increasing distillation business (compared with infusion business). As a result, we start distillation of the best liqueurs on the international market: Grappa di Brunello di Montalcino® and Brandy di Brunello di Montalcino®
But these involve a considerable diversication productive with the need to purchase large quantities of barriques etc.
Grappa di Brunello, despite the cost quickly becomes important but for the Brandy the wine's characteristic require long aging with huge investments.
Meanwhile, the major companies that rely on the Covip the distribution of their products, after the successes, selling to major companies competing groups (Fiuggi to the S. Pellegrino, the Bols the Campari etc.)
This is why in 2001 we decided to deal exclusively of our products leaving the Covip company
Recently we riscover a special exclusive and so good Tuscan Liqueur: FRA' CACAO® Chocolate Liqueur, produced with true cocoa chocolate. It is appreciated by any all people who drink it, in Italy and abroad.
We are now entering export markets like Russia, China, South America for the requests of Brandy di Brunello di Montalcino®, considered the only possibile, best prestigeous, competitor of most famous French cognacs
Our website is always updated with new products. Some of them, however, are very exclusive and so they are only available in limited quantity for best clients, so they are still not included in website
Organization Type
CityMILANO, Via Monti Sabini 11 Google map
Areas of Activities
Agro-food manufacturing

FRA' CACAO Chocolate Liqueur
FRA' CACAO Italian Tuscan Chocolate Liqueur
Cooperation Offered
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Cooperation Requested
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Brandy of Brunello di Montalcino
Italian Brandy of Montalcino Tuscan Liqueur
Cooperation Offered
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Cooperation Requested
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MORELLINO di FIRENZE dessert wine
MORELLINO di FIRENZE Italian Tuscan dessert wine
Cooperation Offered
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Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution

IL VECCHIO Tuscan Dessert Wine
IL VECCHIO Italian Tuscan Dessert Wine
Cooperation Offered
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Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
BIOGENESI Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italy
Cooperation Offered
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Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution