LI Junhua 李俊华

Sichuan IOT Industry Development Alliance 四川省物联网产业发展联盟/成都物联网产业发展联盟

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
DescriptionAs an NGO established in April, 2010, the Chengdu IOT Industry Development Alliance takes development of IOT in Chengdu as its objective. It enhances communications among governments, specialized organizations and relevant businesses, and provides members with services, and promote the industry’s further development. 成都物联网产业发展联盟是在成都市民政局注册成立的非营利的独立社会团体。联盟以支撑成都物联网产业发展为目的,以成都市经济和信息化委员会作为主管单位,由43家物联网骨干企业发起,于2010年4月19日正式成立。联盟以“联合、应用、发展”为宗旨,加强政府、专业组织、物联网相关企业等相互之间的联系和交流,发挥桥梁、纽带作用,为会员服务, 改善和推动成都物联网产业的发展。
Organization Type Clusters,
CityChengdu, Hi-Tech Zone Google map
Areas of Activities

Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event

    Technological request

    Technical interflow

    We seek to learn about products and technologies of overseas IOT industry, and facilitate communications between Chengdu and overseas industrial insiders.

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Technical co-operation