Marco Nicolini

Chiomenti Studio Legale

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
Descriptionlaw firm
Organization Type Other
CityMilano, via Giuseppe Verdi 2 Google map
Areas of Activities

Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event

    Business Offer

    Legal Services - 法律服务

    Being a leading full service independent law firm in Italy with also a significant presence in China, we offer assistance to Chinese investors in relation to outbound investments from China to Italy and we also offer assistance to Italian clients in China - 作为一个在意大利领先的能够提供全面服务的且在中国有显著市场占有率的独立律师事务所,我们可以向中国投资者提供投资意大利相关的服务,也可以向意大利客户提供在中国投资相关的服务。

    Keywords: Legal Services
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Other
    2. Investment/Financing