Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)

DescriptionProduction and sales of commercial vehicles (buses)
Organization Type
CityMARIBOR, CESTA K TAMU 33 Google map
Areas of Activities
Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event
production and sales of comercial vehicles
Tam Durabus company is majority-owned by the Chinese, but our chain of suppliers is mostly woven around the factory from local suppliers as well as from western-European suppliers. We are offering a very European product and to the global market we enforce with the airport, city and tourist buses. We are a company with highly trained personnel in the field of automotive industry and as such we are creating successful and recognizable city of Maribor, Drava region and Slovenia in the world.
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution
- Investment/Financing