DescriptionThe fragrances and flavours of a land enchanting Umbria.. For over 50 years the Family Melchiorri. produces and packages oils of high quality: Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Protected Designation of Origin D.O.P. Umbria, Assisi – Spoleto Hills; Oil Frantoio of fist cold pressed, crude, yielded, 100% product of Italy; Contadino “Farmer” Oil; Production with hand-icraft working of typical refinements of the Umbrian gastronomy: Truffles Sauce, Tartufata, Boletus Mushroom Patè, Green and Black Olives Patè, Artichokes Patè, Oil with Truffle White and Black.
Organization Type
Big Company / corporation, SMEs
CitySpoleto, Loc. Madonna di Lugo Google map
Areas of Activities
Agro-food manufacturing
Creativity, cultural heritage and local traditional food
Italian Product
Extra virgin Olive Oil from Italy, Truffle and Oil with Truffle.
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution