DescriptionThe founding of the “Consorzio Vini Mantovani” on August 3rd 2012 marks a historical turning point for Mantuan Wines, thanks to the merging of experience and ability of the three pre-existing Mantuan winery consortiums, with the aim of strengthening their efforts and rationalizing their resources.
The “Consorzio Vini Mantovani” (Mantuan Wine Consortium) operates in favour of Mantuan viticulture and enology, for the protection and defence “erga omnes” (for all) of the enormous variety of denominations represented and also in response to the request for visibility in the international panorama of a territory that can boast high quality products; from Mantuan Lambrusco to the wines of the morainic hills.
Organization Type
Clusters, SMEs
Citymantova, largo pradella 1 Google map
Areas of Activities