DescriptionERVET, the “in house” Development Agency of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy, was created in 1974, in order to support the operational implementation of the Region’s development policies in co-operation with individual firms, business associations, local authorities and other boards and local agencies.
ERVET has hands on expertise in the fields of regional economic and sustainable development and regional and local investment planning. ERVET works are focused in several areas, such as: integrated urban development, environment, tourism, agriculture, social services, ICT, transport, training, institutional capacity building, internationalisation and territorial marketing. Many projects are co-financed by the European Commission or by Italian Research and Development programs; many are also carried out in collaboration with other Italian, European and rest of the world Regions.
The territory plays a central role in promoting economic development. In line with this fundamental assumption, ERVET is actively involved in designing, managing, implementing and assessing the policy of territorial and local authorities with a view to increasing competitiveness and promoting the attractiveness of Emilia-Romagna as an “investment-friendly” region. ERVET’s provision of technical assistance to the regional government in economic planning is based on a “negotiating approach” involving inter-sectoral, inter-institutional and international relations. The most important concrete results of ERVET’s activity in this field are: Territorial and sectoral economic planning on an interregional, regional and local level; Design of methodologies and models for understanding and the territory’s characteristics; Drawing-up of reports on territorial analysis; Design and management of monitoring and evaluation methods suitable to the territorial and sectoral policies; Promotion and implementation of international networks and partnership agreements concerning territorial development; Participation into focus groups and public participation processes; Analysis and cartographic representation of territorial data through the Geographic Information System (GIS); Communication and awareness-raising on territorial development issues.
ERVET is responsible for sustainable development and supports the Emilia-Romagna in policies to combine economy, environment and society. The Unit explores the interactions between these three dimensions of sustainability through a path that starts from territorial sustainable management, policies and sectoral instruments, such as waste management, air and water quality, up to the green economy, in order to support industrial policies in the region for the development of demand and supply of "green” technologies, products and services. Environmentally equipped areas, sustainable consumption, environmental certification, green redevelopment of the city are some of the issues that the Unit develops in the path set by the Emilia-Romagna region for a more sustainable way.
As far as EU programmes and internationalization is concerned, ERVET carries out projects to support the internationalisation of local bodies and to promote the regional system as a whole, in Europe and around the world, providing technical assistance. ERVET assists the Region in carrying out the activities of the Brussels representation office providing support for the development of relations with EU institutions and EU information services to regional operators. In this context, ERVET operates on behalf of Regional and local government sectors by spreading information about EU policy developments, regulations, tenders, funding, and provides assistance to project planners for activating EU co-financing channels.
Organization Type
BSOs and Institutions,
CityBologna, Via Morgagni, 6 Google map
Areas of Activities