
Dirk Laeremans

Managing Director

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
DescriptionOrientas is a mixed Chinese-western representation office, linking western producers of food with Chinese importers and distributors. Orientas acts as representative office for exporting companies that are too small to have their own representative office.  Orientas specializes in food consultancy.
Organization Type SMEs
CityBeiijng, #100 CAAW, Caochangdi, Chaoyang Beijing 100015 Google map
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing

    Business Offer

    Real estate investment

    Our company supports chinese customers interested in investing in European real estate projects. We are looking for commercial projects with certain characteristics that suit Chinese investors.

    Keywords: chinese investorsreal estatehotelsinvestment
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Sales / Distribution
    2. Investment/Financing
    Business Offer

    Food exporting to China

    Our company supports western food companies that wish to export to China. We are looking for high-quality food with long shelf live and hopefully strong home brand recognition.

    Keywords: food exportmarket entrydistributorsbrand protectionrepresentation
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Sales / Distribution