Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)

Agro-food manufacturing
Health biotechnologies

Food & Feed ingredients between EU and china 中欧间的食品与饲料原料
Our company is based in the luxembourg, heart of EU. We make links between EU and China, focusing on food technology transfers and international trade of feed & food ingredients.
Especially we have innovative technologies of egg sciences and bio-technologies. For example membrane technology to extract specific protein and enzyme from bio-liquids.
Egg sciences and technology are our specific strong aim. We did some projects before between EU and china on egg sciences projects. We offer many innovative egg products design and processing technologies.
We export many EU feed&Food products to china.
We also help to build chain management from farm, feed to food and consumers.
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation
- Investment/Financing