XIONG Wei 熊伟

General Manager 总经理
Chengdu Dinganhua Internet Of Thing Engineer Application Co., Ltd. 成都鼎安华物联网工程应用有限公司

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday (09:00 am - 01:30 pm)
Description成都鼎安华物联网工程应用有限公司,成立于2011年10月,注册资本1000万元人民币。公司是以物联网技术研发与应用为主营业务的高科技企业,主要致力于物联网技术在安全生产监管领域的应用,已经承担实施相关项目数项。公司期望通过相关项目实施,能为政府部门、企业提供相关技术服务与支持,并努力成为中国最大的“安全托管服务、整体服务解决方案”提供商。 Chengdu Dinganhua Internet Of Thing Engineer Application Co., Ltd. was founded in October 2011 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Our main business is based on the research and development of Internet Of Thing. We mainly dedicated to the IOT applied in the field of safety production supervision. We have undertaken a number of related projects. We expect to provide IOT technical services and support for government departments and enterprises. We are hoping to become China’s largest “Managed Sercurity Services, Integrated Service Solutions” provider.
Organization Type SMEs
CityChengdu, Hi-Tech Zone Google map
Areas of Activities

Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event

    Technological offer

    Cooperation on IOT


    We are looking forward to having communication of European enterprises, which are working on IOT technology development and integration of applications. Through this field study in Europe, we hope to learn the innovative model and experience in these industries. We hope this event will provide a good opportunity to have cooperation in joint research and development with European enterprises in future.

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Outsourcing co-operation
    2. Technical co-operation
    3. License agreement
    4. Manufacturing agreement
    5. Sales / Distribution
    6. Investment/Financing
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Outsourcing co-operation
    2. Technical co-operation
    3. License agreement
    4. Manufacturing agreement
    5. Sales / Distribution
    6. Investment/Financing