Antaar&s spa 食品 barbara tamagni Italy, cava manara pv
- Business Offer ORGANIC BAY FOODS AND READY TO COOK MEALS 丰富的有机婴儿食品线 脱水意大利速食面与米饭
DIDACTO SERVIZI SRL itala zamberletti Italy, Milano
- Business Offer Company Services
- Idea TripAZ
Interlem srl 信息技术 massimiliano riva Italy, Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
- Technological offer Beyond Airport Customers’ Information & Behavio
Il Sipario Musicale 旅游 Andrea Cortelazzi Italy, Milano
- Business Offer Opera and Cultural tours 我们能够按意大利文化、生活方式与历史来安排旅游线路与活动。
BDP International Maurizio Rinaldi Italy, Segrate
- Business Offer Worldwide Logistics and Transportation Solutions
- Idea ICBMC - A bridge between China and Italy 我们是中国和意大利之间的桥梁
teamimpresa 其他 marco schiavini Italy, milano
- Business Offer Operational advisor for international partnership 国际合作的运营顾问
Chengdu SNQU Networks Technology Co., Ltd. 成都盛趣网络科技有限公司 ZOU Jingchuan 邹京川 China, Chengdu
- Technological request networking technology
Chengdu Guodou Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. 成都果豆数字娱乐有限公司 YAO Yuan 姚远 China, Chengdu
- Technological offer Technology transfer and joint venture -mobile Internet products
Sichuan Zhongqiao Power Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 四川忠桥电力工程集团有限公司 JIANG Liuhua 姜柳华 China, Chengdu
- Business Request electromechanical equipment and comprehensive health industry
Business in China Linkedin Group 其他 Edward Voskeritchian Italy, Milano
- Business Offer Cooperation for searching partners and searching buyer/distributors 寻找合作伙伴,寻找买家、经销商
JustBuy srl Antonello Giannangeli Italy, Milan
- Business Offer Service to export italian products in China
Orienta Partners srl 其他 Fabio Fabbri Italy,
- Business Offer Supporting sme's in international development and growth projects.
Baker & Mckenzie 其他 Marco Marazzi Italy, Milano
- Business Offer Legal services and contacts with potential partners 我们在公司或分公司成立等方面提供协助。
MGroup srl 其他 Filippo Meani Italy, Arcore
- Business Offer real estate services
SIGMAGEST S.p.a. 其他 Stefano Sarubbi Italy, Milan
- Business Offer Business management and administration 商业咨询 风险咨询 会计与财务 人力资源事务
BK1 catering 其他 emanuela tallarico Italy, milan
- Business Offer events organization
- Idea catering & events 餐饮与活动
sp law 其他 gabriele scafati Italy, milano
- Business Offer Lawyer 律师
HHP International Development Co. 食品 Alessandro Rovida China,
- Business Request Business consultant, representing chinese companies looking to import products from Italy
Voka Chamber of Commerce East Flanders Stefan Derluyn Belgium, Ghent
Bilateral Talks
- Participants226
- Meetings Requested1489
- Meetings Accepted469
Profile views
- Before Event11999
- After Event1262848